Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Final Run

Now that the weird day is over, things are back to normal except for one thing. The same Asian kid showed me something peculiar in my dream last night. He showed me a battle, in which he said I should not die in. I was frightened by the scenes as I woke up. I saw Rover watching television as Maria started cooking us up some breakfast. Tony and the other trackers left to buy us supplies for the rest of our quest. When Tony and the others trackers came back, we chowed down on some breakfast. After breakfast Maria wished us luck on our quest as we continued our adventure. We were forced to stun Jessie when we arrived at the lobby in order to escape the all-girl apartment. Now came the hard part, finding a way to exit Meterozoneiac City. Remember that we are the most wanted people in the big metropolitan. When we arrived at the gate, Tony demonstrated us his brilliant plan. His plan was to shoot the Zoneiac Guards and surprisingly it worked. When we passed the gate, Tony informed us that he bought a map at the super store. We continued running into a polluted environment only stopping for a lunch break. We discussed our journey during the lunch break. Travis confidently mentioned that we can beat any army out there including the advanced schools in Section 12. After lunch we continued running our last mile to Moonrise Light High School.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Weird Day Part 3: (Weird Events)

That is it, this has officially became the weirdest day of my life. Oh you do not believe me, fine then read this torturous Part 3 to The Weird Day post. CAUTION: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. So after we defeated most of the Zoneiac Guards, we knew that we had to hide somewhere. We stopped by a building to brainstorm some ideas in order to get out of Meterozoneiac City. For the first time, Rover came up with a great idea. His idea was for us to find a costume shop in order to hide our identity. We all agreed with Rover's idea and we were on a hunt for a costume shop. It took us two hours until we finally found a costume shop. A girl named Maria was the owner of the place and she is actually the same age as us. She screamed as she noticed who we were. Boy this day keeps getting weirder, but guess what it gets worse. We noticed that Rover kind of has a you know a crush on Maria. Maria did allow us to wear some of the costumes. On top of that, she offered us a night a her place. Weirdest Day ever, but guess what, it gets worse from hear on out. When we arrived at Maria's place, the trackers and I noticed that Maria lives in all girls apartment, so guess what we had to do. If you guessed talking like girls you were right. The door lady named Jessie asked us why we are wearing costumes. Rover just had to answer dentists. We almost yelled ROVER, but we kept our cool and called Rover, Rose. Now we are in Maria's apartment and we can talk like guys again. Maria cooked us dinner and boy did the dinner taste good, like really good.  While we were watching the previous battle on the television, Jessie called Maria. Jessie informed Maria that her younger sister, Leslie, has a toothache and she needed the dentists (Us) to help her. Rover just had to say yes as the worst experience of our lives was about to begin. I do not want to explain the tragedy. Turns out that Leslie had her wisdom teeth coming in so we advised her to see the orthodontics the next day. When we arrived back at Maria's apartment, Rover told us a not so scary story as we went to sleep to end this Weird Day.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Weird Day Part 2: (The Mini Battle)

This post is part two of the string of posts called "The Weird Day". The second part is called "The Mini Battle" and boy was it an amazing first battle. So, we finally arrived at Meterozoneiac City due to my brilliant plan. Boy was Meterozoneiac City's scenery beautiful. Meterozoneiac City had all white buildings and a fountain in the middle of the city with a statue of Oliver Bellum. A Zoneiac Guard noticed us right away as he walked up to us. Rover had to pretend to be an old man to fool the Guard, but the guard knew who were. He called in the rest of the Zoneiac Guards as we were suddenly part of a mini battle. The guard was called Geo, who is the head of the Zoneiac Guard department. We were forced to hide behind a few buildings in order to get dressed back into our armor while Rover distracted the remaining Zoneiac Guards. When we finished getting dressed, Tony came up with a strategic plan as their reinforcements arrived. Tony's plan was for me and Steve to shoot the ground stuttering the Zoneiac Guards in the process while the rest of the trackers shoot the stuttering the soldiers down. We led the remaining Guards towards the fountain. Only Geo remained and he challenged Tony to a fist fight by calling him "tubby". Tony punched Geo cold resulting in Geo falling to the ground. Geo stood up instantly with a rocket blaster in his hand. He aimed the blaster directly at us. I challenged Geo right away, but shockingly Geo knew that I was a warrior even though I am not wearing my armband. I think that the shadowy figure told him. I pointed my blaster directly at the Zoneiac Guard leader. Then mysteriously, the same Asian guy from my dreams gave me some advice of aiming a blaster. I took his advice and shot the Zoneiac Leader dead. It was my first kill of all time.

The Weird Day Part 1: (Distraction Galore)

A lot of events happened today so these next few are going to split into 3 parts. The first part is called Distraction Galore. So Tony confirmed that we are lost, which kinda sucked (Tony did forget to bring a map to our journey). Luckily for Tony that Travis asked someone for directions. It was from the shadowy figure. He told Travis that we need to run to Meterozoneiac City (the place Tony wanted to avoid) in order to make it to Moonrise Light High School. So we continued running stopping for Rover's second and third bathroom break respectively. When we arrived at the gate to Meterozoneiac City, we noticed that their were guards blocking the gate. Tony's plan was to just shoot the guards, but that would mean more guards would show up at the gate. My plan was a little bit better than Tony's plan. I suggested that we wore our regular clothes while someone would distract the guards. The other trackers surprisingly agreed with my idea, but we had no idea who would distract the guards. In the end we volunteered Rover to be the distraction. So Rover distracted the guards by forcing the two guards to chase the latter, while the rest of us ran through the gates. Rover later joined us as we closed the gate to Meterozoneiac City. We finally arrived at the biggest city in Bellum.

Quest, Dreams, and Running

Running for miles and miles and miles can be very tiring. OH MY GOD, how the other trackers are more fit than me. They can run for days, weeks, even months if they have to. Luckily, the scenery was nice. Flowers blooming in the fall for no reason, gracious trees, and fresh air. That is the life of a tracker. We took a few short breaks for lunch, bathroom breaks, and even more bathroom breaks (Yes, it was Rover who took all of those bathroom breaks). When it was nighttime, the trackers and I discussed many random things like stars. Travis asked "How many stars are in the sky tonight?" Everyone answered Travis's question with Rover replied with 3 stars. Yes, he said 2, but recounted to 3 stars. Sometimes, I honestly do not know why I am last in the warrior department. Anyways, we went to sleep afterwards and I had a weird dream. A weird Asian guy walked up to me informing me that I can not die in the upcoming battle. I woke up instantly wondering who was that Asian Guy and what battle is going to occur soon.